Solving Transportation Issues for the Disabled

Q: How can disabled people get to and from job interviews or work?

Disability attorneys of Arizona help disabled individuals and their family members access the disability benefits they deserve. 

The federal government offers two different disability benefits programs – Social Security Disability Insurance (“SSDI”) and Supplemental Security Income (“SSI”). The former is available to disabled individuals who satisfy the work credits requirement of having worked a certain number of years while also paying into the Social Security system through payroll deductions prior to becoming disabled. SSI does not require any prior work history, but is a means-tested program where disabled applicants must not exceed the extremely limited income and assets threshold in order to qualify. 

Qualifying for disability benefits for both programs, also requires that applicants meet the government’s definition of being “disabled” which means suffering from a physical or mental impairment that prevents engaging in substantial gainful activities and that has lasted, or is expected to last, for 12 months or more or result in death.

Regardless of whether you are an SSI recipient with no work history or an SSDI recipient hoping to attempt a return to the workforce, the odds are transportation is a challenge. Reportedly, of the 2 million Americans living with disabilities, approximately 30% have transportation barriers that render them unable to leave their homes. Obviously, this impacts their ability to get to and from a job. 

How can the Lyft Jobs Access Program help the disabled?

Recently, rideshare giant, Lyft, announced plans to offer free or discounted rides to help disabled people “access job training and get hired”. Through its Jobs Access Program, Lyft will provide riders with rides “to or from job training programs, interviews and to get back-and-forth from work for the first three weeks of employment” carrying them over until their first paycheck. Lyft has partnered with other organizations to connect with disabled people who could benefit from this transferred transportation program. 

If you have questions regarding applying for Social Security disability benefits or appealing the denial of benefits, the Social Security disability attorneys at Roeschke Law can help you. Contact us today for a free consultation

From our offices in Tempe, Tucson, and Phoenix, we help disabled people and their families throughout Arizona in all aspects of disability law.