Differences Between SSI and SSDI in Las Vegas

Known as the Entertainment Capital of the World, Las Vegas is famous for its hotels, resorts, and casinos. Las Vegas is one of the top three business convention destinations in the United States. The greater Las Vegas area has been a popular destination for families and has grown to a population of over 2 million. Like many other areas in the United States, many disabled individuals in Las Vegas receive social security disability benefits. If you or a loved one is applying for disability benefits in Las Vegas, it is essential that you know the differences between SSDI and SSI programs.

The Differences Between SSDI and SSI in Las Vegas

The Social Security Administration offers two important social benefit programs for those who qualify, Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) and Supplemental Security Income (SSI). SSDI is available for employees who have enough work credits and who have a qualifying disability that renders them unable to work. SSI benefits are available to all low-income individuals. Applicants who haven’t earned enough work credits, or who haven’t worked might not qualify for SSDI but could still qualify for SSI. The rates of approval for SSDI benefits are higher on average than the approval rates for SSI.

Social Security taxes paid by workers, employers, and self-employed individuals fund SSDI benefits. On the other hand, general revenues from the Treasury Department collected from federal income taxes fund SSI payments. The federal government also established the two different programs under different circumstances and at different times. 

Hiring a Lawyer to Apply for SSDI or SSI in Las Vegas

SSDI and SSI are both programs made available through the Social Security Administration. They are two completely different government programs, however. The eligibility requirements for these programs are different. Applying for SSDI or SSI can be complex. If you do not accurately complete your application, the Social Security Administration will reject your application. 

At Roeschke Law, LLC, our law firm focuses exclusively on helping clients secure Social Security benefits. We have extensive experience with the entire application process. Should the Social Security Administration deny your claim, we can help you throughout the appeals process. We understand that the thought of applying for SSDI or SSI benefits can be overwhelming, and we will work with you to guide you through the process. Contact our Las Vegas SSDI law firm today to schedule your initial consultation.

Understanding SSI Benefits

Supplemental Security Income is a program administered by the federal government that provides monthly cash benefits on a needs basis. Applicants must show that their income level and assets are under the threshold set forth by the SSA. Currently, the applicant must have less than $2,000 in assets for individuals and $3,000 for a married couple and a very low income. In some cases, disabled applicants might qualify for SSI as long as they meet the income requirements. These applicants can also apply for Medicaid coverage in Nevada. Successful SSI applicants can expect their first monthly payment within a month after submitting your application. 

Understanding SSDI Benefits

SSDI benefits are available to those who become disabled and unable to work. These benefits are monthly cash payments that will continue as long as the applicant remains disabled and unable to work. Applicants must be younger than age 65. Applicants must have earned a particular amount of work credits to be eligible for SSDI. Once an applicant has received SSDI for a period of two years or more, he or she will become eligible for Medicare.

SSI benefits are not tied to an applicant’s work record. Qualifying for SSI is based on the applicant’s income. Those who qualify for SSDI will be eligible to receive partial SSDI dependent benefits. These benefits are referred to as auxiliary benefits. 

Qualifying for SSDI Benefits

Disabled or blind workers can apply for SSDI benefits. An applicant will need to prove that their mental or physical impairment is severe enough to prevent them from working at their regular place of employment, or from doing any other work. A medical professional must expect the applicant’s condition to last at least 12 months or to result eventually in the applicant’s death. Blind or disabled workers can also apply for SSDI benefits. 

The SSDI Blue Book

SSDI applicants will need to prove that they are completely disabled. The Blue Book lists qualifying medical conditions. The SSDI Blue Book includes different sections for each bodily system. Each system includes specific listings for medical conditions that are disabling. Within each listing, exists criteria that the applicant must meet to be totally disabled per the criteria. For example, if a woman has breast cancer, she would need to meet the criteria within the breast cancer listing. 

The SSDI Approval Process

Sometimes disability claims take time to become approved. If the SSA approves your application, you will receive benefits the first month after you receive your notification of approval. The SSA denies many first-time SSDI application claims. If they deny your claim, do not become discouraged. We will examine your denial letter and help you request a reconsideration. Many times, you will need to submit more evidence of your medical condition or other additional information that supports your claim. We will represent you during your hearing before an administrative law judge. Attending your hearing with an experienced lawyer will help you tremendously. 

Contact Our Experienced SSDI Lawyers Today

Applicants who work with a skilled Las Vegas SSDI lawyer are more likely to receive claim approval. At Roeschke Law, LLC, we treat every client’s claim extremely seriously. We will help you throughout the entire SSDI application process. We will represent you during your hearing and through the appeals process, if necessary. Our lawyers understand the disability process in-depth. Contact our law firm today to schedule your initial consultation with our Las Vegas SSDI law firm. 

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