SSDI Qualifications and Eligibility in Las Vegas

The CIty of Las Vegas, located in southeastern Nevada, is one of the fastest-growing metropolises. Las Vegas has an extensive transportation network, lenient state laws, and a thriving commercial sector. The Las Vegas Strip is home to award-winning entertainment venues, hotels, and casinos. With its iconic architecture, the Las Vegas Strip is responsible for a multi-billion dollar economy. 

Qualifications for SSDI Benefits in Las Vegas

Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) is a federal program that provides monthly monetary benefits to individuals with a qualifying disability. The Social Security Administration (SSA) will determine whether or not the applicant has enough work credits and has a qualifying disability. Only those whose disability prevents them from working in their normal job or any other job will qualify.

The Work Credit Requirement

Applicants must have enough work credits to be eligible for SSDI. The Social Security Administration calls this requirement having an insured status for Social Security. You must have worked enough prior to filing your application for SSDI benefits and contributed a certain amount to the Social Security system. The Social Security Administration will consider how many taxes you’ve paid through FICA via your paycheck, or whether or not you’ve paid self-employment tax. 

Currently, an applicant must earn $1,410 to receive one Social Security work credit. The applicant can earn a maximum of four credits or $5,640 per year. It doesn’t matter which financial quarter in which the applicant earns the credits. The older the applicant is, the more work credits he or she will need to qualify for SSDI benefits. The applicant must pass the recent work test as well as the duration of the work test.

The Recent Work Test

Applicants who are age 31 or older when they become disabled must have worked at least 5 out of the last 10 years to meet the recent work test requirements. In other words, the applicant must have earned 20 work credits in the 10 years immediately before becoming disabled. If someone does become disabled between the ages of 24 and 31, he or she must have worked at least half of the period since turning 21. For example, if a Las Vegas SSDI applicant became disabled at age 29, the applicant must show that he or she worked at least four of the previous eight years, or that he or she has earned at least 16 credits in the last eight years. 

The Duration of Work Test

In addition to the recent work test, Las Vegas SSDI applicants must meet the duration of work test. The applicant must have worked a certain number of years (or earned a certain number of credits) to receive SSDI benefits. For example, an applicant who becomes disabled between the ages of 21 – 27 must have 6 work credits or have worked 1.5 years. As the applicant’s age increases, so do the required work credits and the number of years worked. Applicants age 62 or older need to show 40 work credits or that they worked for 10 years or more. 

SSDI Qualifications for Family Members in Las Vegas

Family members of potential applicants who are eligible for SSDI are eligible for benefits themselves through the SSDI program. An adult child of someone who receives SSDI who is also medically disabled can receive SSDI benefits even when he never worked himself. Additionally, spouses, minor children, and ex-spouses might also be eligible for benefits. These family benefits are called auxiliary benefits, officially. If you are curious about your family members receiving SSDI benefits, the experienced lawyers at Roeschke Law, LLC are here to help. We will analyze your circumstances and help you determine whether or not you qualify. 

Medical Qualifications for SSDI in Las Vegas

Applicants for SSDI will also need to prove that they have a medical disability that prevents them from working. This requirement is extremely important. One of the primary reasons for application denials comes down to the individual not meeting the requirements for a medical impairment. The Social Security Administration uses a multi-step process to analyze the medical conditions of SSDI applicants. 

The Social Security Administration uses a Blue Book which contains detailed lists of medical impairments categorized by the areas of the body. Children under the age of 18 have their own listings of impairments. Most of the medical conditions in the Blue Book will result in an individual’s death. An applicant can still qualify for SSDI benefits, even if his or her medical condition isn’t specifically listed. 

Applicants must provide enough evidence to prove that their medical condition has lasted, or could likely last for at least 12 months. If you are unsure whether or not your condition will be eligible, our lawyers are here to help. We can help you arrange to receive your comprehensive medical examination. We will help you provide evidence of your medical condition to submit along with your application.

Common Qualifying Medical Conditions for SSDI

An applicant does not need to prove that his or her specific medical condition is listed in the Blue Book. The Blue Book covers a range of psychological and physical conditions, including the following:

  • Brain injury
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Back injury
  • Cerebral palsy
  • Heart conditions
  • Diabetes
  • Breathing impairments
  • Multiple sclerosis
  • Muscular dystrophy 
  • Schizophrenia
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Burn injury
  • Cancer
  • Breathing conditions
  • Bipolar disorder 

Contact Our Las Vegas SSDI Lawyer Today

If you are unable to work due to a disability in Las Vegas, you might be entitled to SSDI benefits. The best time to begin the process of applying is now. Contact our law firm today to schedule your initial consultation and learn how we can help you through the process. 

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