Mesa Social Security Disability Benefits Attorney

Located in the Sonoran Desert, Mesa is the third-largest city in Arizona; it boasts an array of amenities and recreational activities. Nonetheless, residents of Mesa, like disabled individuals elsewhere, face challenges obtaining Social Security disability benefits. If you or a loved one is seeking disability benefits in Mesa, Arizona consulting with an experienced social security disability attorney is the smart choice.

Mesa, Arizona Disability Benefits Attorney

At Disability Attorneys of Arizona, we are highly experienced in helping clients obtain disability benefits. Knowing that living with a disability can be overwhelming, we will guide you through the entire process, from submitting your initial benefits claim, to handling your disability appeal, to representing you in the disability hearing or federal court, if necessary. 

Knowing that navigating the federal bureaucracy while coping with a disability can be a burden, we will provide you with informed representation when you need it most. Above all, you can trust Disability Attorneys of Arizona to fight for the benefits you need and deserve. 

What types of disability benefits are available in Mesa, Arizona?

The Social Security Administration (SSA) offers two disability benefits programs, Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI), and Supplemental Security Income (SSI). 

SSDI is designed to help disabled individuals who are older than 18, but under the age of 65, and cannot work. To be eligible for SSDI, however, it is necessary to have paid into the Social Security system through income tax deductions. Applicants for these disability benefits must also have the required number of work credits, based on their age. 

SSI is only available to disabled individuals who are 65 or older or blind, but it is not necessary for them to have paid into the Social Security system. Also, children younger than 18 who have qualifying medical conditions are eligible. Because these benefits are means-tested, the applicant’s income and financial resources cannot exceed a strict threshold.

What is a disability under the SSA rules?

A disability is defined as a medical condition or impairment that has lasted or is expected to last one year or more or to result in death. In addition, you must be able to demonstrate that you cannot perform any substantial gainful activity (SGA). Finally, the SSA will also determine whether you can do the same type of work you did before becoming disabled or another type of work.

Qualifying medical conditions that appear in the SSA’s official listing (the “Blue Book“), include:

  • Degenerative disc disease
  • Depression
  • Bone and joint pain
  • Lupus
  • Osteoarthritis
  • Rheumatoid arthritis
  • Cancer
  • Heart disease
  • COPD
  • Emphysema
  • Asthma
  • Diabetes 
  • Multiple sclerosis
  • Blindness
  • Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
  • Anxiety disorders
  • Intellectual disability
  • Personality disorder

If a medical condition is not included in the listing, disability benefits may still be available as long as the SSA determines that your condition is medically equal to a listed impairment. Our experienced Arizona disability attorney has the know-how to help you obtain benefits for both listed and medically equivalent medical conditions. 

How do I obtain social security disability benefits in Mesa, Arizona?

The disability benefits process begins by filing an application with a local SSA field office in Arizona — in person, by phone, or online. Regardless of how you file, applying for disability benefits is a lengthy and complicated process. The application must contain a substantial amount of information, including medical records prepared by your treating physician. If there are any mistakes or omissions, the claim will likely be denied. Nearly two-thirds of initial applications are denied, often because the claimant did not acquire sufficient work credits or because the SSA determines the impairment is not a qualifying medical condition. 

What happens if my social security disability benefits application is denied in Mesa?

If your disability benefits claim has been denied, you will be notified by the SSA in a letter that explains the reasons for the denial. You will also be informed of your right to appeal the adverse determination. Don’t worry, however, because working with an experienced disability attorney increases the likelihood of having your claim approved. 

At Disability Attorneys of Arizona, we are highly experienced in all phases of the disability appeals process from Requests for Reconsideration to disability hearings. If the process is exhausted and your claim is still denied, our capable trial lawyers are fully prepared to represent you in federal court.

Contact Our Experienced Mesa, Arizona Social Security Disability Benefits Attorney

At Disability Attorneys of Arizona, we understand the challenges facing the disabled, not the least of which is navigating the federal bureaucracy and obtaining vital disability benefits. When you become our client, you can rest assured that we will fight for the benefits you need and deserve. We offer free consultations, and you will not pay any attorneys’ fees until we win disability benefits for you. Please contact our office today so we can get work on your claim.

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