Applying For Disability Benefits In Arizona

Injured Man Filling Insurance Claim Form

If you are disabled and unable to work, you may be entitled to government benefits. These disability benefits come in the form of Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) and Supplemental Security Income (SSI), depending upon your specific situation. Individuals often want to know which medical conditions qualify for disability. The truth is that the Social Security laws are complex, and a wide variety of physical and psychological impairments can be disabling, The disability attorneys at the Phoenix and Tucson, Arizona law firm of Roeschke Law, LLC can help you apply for and obtain these benefits. WE DO NOT COLLECT A FEE UNLESS YOU WIN!

What Is The Difference Between SSI and SSDI?

SSDI is a benefit available to those who have paid into the Social Security System during the time that they were employed. You must have paid in for a certain amount of time, or the number of quarters, in order to be eligible for this benefit. SSI, on the other hand, is a benefit available to the disabled or those of advanced age who have limited income and resources. Unlike SSDI, SSI is a means-tested program. These programs have different requirements and it is, therefore, important to understand which you are eligible for before applying for one or the other. An experienced attorney has the ability to consult with you and determine whether you should apply for SSDI, SSI, or both.

How Do You Apply For SSI or SSDI?

Applying for disability benefits is a complicated process. Applicants must collect a variety of information and documentation in order to submit a complete application. This information and documentation include, but is not limited to:

  • Personal information: full name, Social Security Number, date of birth, marital status (including the full name, Social Security Number and date of birth of your spouse) and work history
  • Financial information: bank account and routing numbers, proof of earnings and resources
  • Medical information: detailed information about your disability, names and contact information of doctors and a list of your prescriptions
  • Documents: proof of citizenship, government-issued identification, pay stubs and/or tax documents and medical records from doctors and hospitals

It is essential that you submit a completed initial application for disability benefits. Many people are denied these benefits due to the fact that they have failed to submit all of the information required by the Social Security Administration. Submitting a complete application initially will greatly increase your chances of obtaining government-issued disability benefits.

It is also important to remember that it may take weeks or months to receive a decision regarding your benefits. Our attorneys will continuously follow up on your application to move the process along as quickly as possible.

Can You Appeal If Your SSI or SSDI Disability Benefits Application Is Denied?

If for some reason your application for benefits is denied, whether our attorneys submitted the application on your behalf or not, we can represent you throughout the appeals process. The appeals process is also a complicated one, making it important to have a seasoned advocate at your side. The process includes a number of stages, including a hearing and possibly even the filing of a lawsuit in federal court. This is not something that you want to go through alone.

Should I file my own Social Security disability benefits application?

Just as most people hire an electrician or plumber rather than attempting those dangerous jobs without the proper training, many people seek help from a skilled Arizona disability benefits attorney when filing for benefits—because being approved is of critical importance.

But unlike plumbers and electricians who are paid on the spot, Disability Attorneys of Arizona doesn’t collect a fee unless your application is approved. And even then, the fee structure is reasonable and regulated by the Social Security Administration.

A quick internet search on how to file for disability benefits reveals three options that make it look deceptively simple:

  • applying online,
  • applying by phone, and
  • applying in person at your local Social Security office.

The reality is that the process of applying for social security benefits is lengthy and complex with many pitfalls for those trying to navigate the system alone. It is also the likely reason that approximately 2/3 of all initial Social Security disability benefits applications are denied.

What happens when an initial application is denied?

If an initial application is denied, there are steps to appeal the denial of disability benefits. Seeking an attorney’s input at this point, if not initially, is highly recommended because you have now cost yourself additional time – time you’re not getting paid for while you might be in pain and struggling financially.

Regardless of whether you file on your own or with the help of a skilled attorney, you need to determine which of the two federal disability benefits programs you are going to apply for and whether you qualify for disability benefits. For example, Social Security Disability Insurance (“SSDI”) requires applicants to have worked for the requisite number of years and hours (work credits) prior to becoming disabled and have paid into the Social Security system through payroll taxes. You need to be suffering from a qualifying mental or physical disability expected to last a year or longer or result in death. In addition, Social Security will consider whether the disabling medical condition precludes an applicant from adjusting to other forms of work.

The second federal program, Supplemental Security Income (“SSI”), is not based on work credits but rather on a qualifying disability accompanied by extremely limited income and assets.

According to the Social Security Administration, the information and documentation needed when applying for disability benefits includes the following:

  • “your Social Security number and proof of your age;
  • names, addresses, and phone numbers of doctors, caseworkers, hospitals, and clinics that took care of you and the dates of your visits;
  • names and dosages of all the medications you are taking;
  • medical records from your doctors, therapists, hospitals, clinics, and caseworkers, that you already have in your possession;
  • laboratory and test results;
  • a summary of where you worked and the kind of work you did; and
  • your most recent W-2 form or, if you were self-employed, a copy of your federal tax return.”

While it isn’t guaranteed, the likelihood of a successful initial disability benefits application is significantly increased when handled by an experienced disability benefits attorney who is knowledgeable in submitting complete and strong applications.

Contact Our Arizona Social Security Disability Attorney

If you are disabled and interested in applying for Social Security disability benefits, our attorneys are here to help. Contact the our disability lawyers by calling (800) 975-1866 for a free consultation today.

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