Arizona Social Security Disability and Other Benefits

Disability Attorneys of Arizona provides informed representation to individuals seeking Social Security disability benefits. One question clients frequently ask is whether they can collect other benefits in addition to disability benefits. Although other benefits are available, it is crucial to work with an experienced disability lawyer so that your rights are protected.

As your advocates and allies, we are committed to securing disability benefits that can bring much-needed stability to your life. Our legal team will help you navigate the claims process and root out other resources that may be available. Please contact our office today for a free consultation with an experienced Arizona disability attorney. 

Other Benefits Available for Disability Claimants in Arizona

Although benefits under the Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) program are available to individuals with qualifying impairments who are unable to work, obtaining these  benefits is difficult. Nearly two-thirds of initial claims are denied and the appeals process can be lengthy and complicated.  

Ultimately, it may take several months or longer for a disability claim to be approved; however, other resources are available, such as employer-based, government, and charitable benefits.  At Disability Attorneys of Arizona, we can handle your appeal and advise you about other benefit options, including:

Long-Term Disability (LTD) insurance

Some applicants for SSDI may also be receiving employer-sponsored long-term disability (LTD) benefits. If the application for Social Security disability benefits is approved, the amount of the LTD payments may be reduced. Given the complexities of long-term disability insurance policies, the best way to maximize the benefits available to you is to work with an experienced disability lawyer. 

Workers’ Compensation

If you have been injured on the job, workers’ compensation covers a portion of your wages and medical expenses, as well as temporary and permanent disabilities. While you can collect workers’ compensation benefits and SSDI at the same time, your monthly disability payments will be reduced. 

The combined amount of benefits you can receive is capped at 80 percent of your average current wages. If or when the workers’ compensation benefits expire, the disability benefits may be increased. Finally, SSDI is only provided to disabled individuals who have paid into the Social Security system, and workers’ compensation is not available to SSI applicants. 

Unemployment Benefits

If you’re unemployed and disabled in Arizona, you can collect disability benefits and unemployment at the same time. While Social Security does not bar someone who is receiving unemployment from collecting SSDI, a disability examiner can take that into account when determining whether you are disabled. 

Because qualifying for unemployment means that you must be ready, willing and able to work, however, collecting these benefits could jeopardize your disability claim. Disability examiners will consider any receipt or application for unemployment compensation, and you must be able to show why the two are not in conflict.

Entitlement Programs

Public assistance from entitlement programs such as welfare is available while a claim for SSDI benefits is pending. If you are approved for disability benefits, however, welfare benefits will cease. SSDI recipients can also enroll in Medicare 2 years after being approved for disability benefits. 

Private Insurance 

Benefits from private insurance, including employer-sponsored pension programs and 401(k)s do not affect your eligibility for Social Security disability benefits.

Public Disability Benefits 

You can also receive benefits under a state, federal, or local government plan (e.g. civil service disability benefits, state temporary benefits, or state/local government retirement benefits). However, the amount of combined public disability and Social Security disability benefits cannot exceed 80 percent of your average current earnings.

Social Security Retirement Benefits

Generally, you cannot collect Social Security retirement benefits and disability benefits at the same time. If you are receiving SSDI and become eligible for Social Security retirement benefits, your disability benefits will be transferred to retirement benefits. 

There is an exception for individuals who take early retirement, however. Social Security makes up the difference between your early retirement amount and the full disability amount for the months you were disabled and receiving early retirement benefits.

Charitable Programs

Additional resources may also be available from a variety of charitable organizations such as the Salvation Army and faith-based organizations.

Contact Our Experience Arizona Disability Lawyers

If you are seeking Social Security disability benefits, it is important to be aware of other benefits that may be available to you. At Disability Attorneys of Arizona, we will work closely with you to help you secure the resources to meet all your medical and financial needs. 

We understand the challenges you are facing and will provide you with trustworthy advice and guidance when you need it most. All disability claims are handled on a contingency basis, which means we will not charge any attorneys’ fees until we win benefits for you. 

When you become our client, we offer a collaborative environment in which you can make informed decisions about your future. Please contact our office today so we can start working on your Social Security disability benefits claim. 

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