Can I Collect Disability After My Spouse Dies?

If your deceased spouse was getting social security disability (SSD) benefits at the time of his or her death, you may be able to keep getting some or all of those benefits. Benefits that keep paying out after the death of the person they were tied to dies are called survivor benefits because they go to the relatives that still survive.

The type and amount of survivor benefits you can get will depend on your age, how long you were married, your current marital status, whether or not you are disabled, and whether you are caring for your deceased spouse’s minor or disabled child.


If you have reached

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What You Need to Know About Benefits for Children

Social Security disability benefits are certainly not limited to adults, and children of eligible beneficiaries may be eligible for a monthly stipend to help offset living costs and defray the financial impact of their medical condition.

According to recent data, as many as nine percent of all Social Security beneficiaries in 2014 were children – a number amounting to close to 6.4 million individuals. This data includes both children receiving benefits directly as well as those who benefitted indirectly from benefits advanced to an adult charged with their care. Children eligible for direct Social Security benefits include:

  • Those whose parent or guardian passed away, leaving them as a surviving dependent;
  • The surviving dependent of an injured worker who passed away;
  • Children of retirees.
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How the Disabled Can Get Back to Work

How the Disabled Can Get Back to Work

What is the SSA’s Ticket to Work Program?

For disabled individuals who are receiving Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) or Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits, there may be a way to get back to work without losing their benefits. The Social Security Administration’s “Ticket to Work” program offers benefit recipients job training, vocational rehabilitation, job referrals and other services.

The program offers a number of options to those between the ages of 18 and 65. First, if you return to work, but are unable to continue, there is an “Expedited Reinstatement” process that allows you to immediately receive monthly benefits again and to continue receiving health care benefits.  For those who are participating in the Ticket to Work program, it is not necessary to undergo a continuing disability review.

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How Long Will It Take To Get Social Security Benefits If I Am Injured And Cannot Work?

When you are injured and cannot work, the expenses begin to pile up fast. It is easy to find yourself so overwhelmed by bills that you end up panicking and making your financial situation, and your health, worse. So, the best thing that you can do once you are physically able to, is to contact an attorney or other advocate that has experience with the disability system.

Seek Help Right Away Because Getting Benefits Takes Time

One of the main reasons why it is important to contact an attorney as soon as you can, is to get the ball rolling on obtaining financial support for yourself.

An experienced attorney is going to be able to determine right away whether you should consider filing a personal injury lawsuit, or file for workers’ compensation.

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Hope for Victims of Complex Regional Pain Syndrome

Am I eligible for SSDI for my CRPS?

Complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS) is a chronic disorder that affects the arms, legs, hands or feet. Also referred to as reflex sympathetic dystrophy (RSD), patients suffer not only from pain, but nerve and muscle damage as well. While the cause has yet to be identified, the disorder typically develops after an accident, surgery, stroke or a heart attack. One theory is that the syndrome is the result of the body’s abnormal response to an injury that, in some cases, damages the nervous system. While the chronic pain is severe, it is said to be disproportional to the original injury.

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Social Security Administration Takes Aim at Beneficiaries Who Own Firearms

It is certainly no secret that the Second Amendment, and the extent to which it should be applied and upheld in today’s society, is under increasing scrutiny. Not only is the Federal Bureau of Investigation dealing with heavily-armed domestic and international individuals within the United States, but the Social Security Administration has also entered the arena of gun control and firearm ownership restriction – except, their position takes direct aim at disability beneficiaries who – in the SSA’s opinion – are under the influence of a mental health issue, therefore making gun ownership a general safety issue.

According to the 41-page document published by the SSA on May 5, 2016, the SSA intends to inform the Department of Justice on a quarterly basis of its disability beneficiaries who are receiving the benefits due to a mental health or mental impairment diagnosis.

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New Hope for ALS Patients

Is ALS a qualifying medical condition for SSDI?

While Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) provides benefits for individuals with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), there is currently a five-month waiting period in place before this assistance becomes available to many patients. Commonly known as Lou Gehrig’s disease, ALS is an incurable neurodegenerative disease with only one approved treatment. This disease rapidly progresses eventually causing the afflicted to lose the ability to walk, talk and breathe on their own.

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A Primer on Disability Appeals

What can I do if my application for SSDI is denied?

Let’s face it: anyone can become disabled due to an accident or illness and be unable to continue working. While the Social Security Administration (SSA) has a program that provides benefits to disabled individuals, Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI), obtaining these benefits can be difficult.

Eligibility for SSDI

To be eligible for disability benefits, you must have an injury or illness that prevents you from participating in substantial gainful activity.

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Social Security Administration Sponsors National my Social Security Week

What are the benefits of opening a my Social Security account?

The Social Security Administration recently celebrated National my Social Security Week (April 4- 13). In collaboration with a number of state and local groups across the country, the administration hosted a variety of events to educate people about the programs available through the SSA, and also to encourage individuals to open an online my Social Security Account.

In addition to its regional and field offices and other service centers, the SSA provides a wide range of services online. However, for a variety of reasons, the online services are being underutilized. While the SSA sends out periodic statements detailing earnings records and estimated retirement benefits, an online account provides a number of advantages such as tracking and verifying wages on an annual basis.

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