How Arizona Businesses Comply with Disability Laws Online.

Must My Arizona Business Website Have To Comply With the ADA Requirements?

The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) is broad in scope. Although the new world of digital media can be confusing, most states, including Arizona, are instituting laws that help make websites (and other digital media) more ADA-friendly and compliant.

Thousands of businesses face lawsuits that cite violations under the ADA and other nondiscrimination laws. To avoid these ever-increasing issues, your website needs to be ADA-compliant.

So, as an Arizona business owner, you must ensure that your digital media follows the state’s guidelines and is in line with all ADA requirements. This state commitment covers websites and all digital media so that their websites and all digital media are fully accessible to people with disabilities. These mandates help to ensure inclusivity for all users with disabilities. Arizona strictly enforces website ADA compliance through strict regulations and will apply fines and other consequences for any non-compliance.

The ADA law in Arizona is linked directly to the Americans with Disabilities Act, which is the federal law that prohibits discrimination against individuals with disabilities. This law ensures that all citizens with disabilities are treated fairly and provides reasonable accommodations so that disabled citizens can work with digital media and more.

You should be aware that the most critical reason your websites must be accessible is the growing number of people with disabilities. The World Health Organization and CDC have compiled statistics that show that nearly 26% of America’s population has a disability.

By having an accessible website, you are following state laws and reaching a much broader audience and a vast, mostly overlooked, new market.

The most valid reason is that making your website more accessible for disabled people is the right thing to do. However, digital media is an ever-evolving platform, and to ensure your business is compliant or register a complaint as a disabled person, you should enlist the professional help of a knowledgeable disability law firm.

What Is WCAG and How Does It Affect the Standards For ADA Website Compliance?

As a business owner or a disabled American, it can be challenging to know exactly how the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) applies to websites amidst all the legal changes and jargon. Still, the simple answer is that your website must be compliant.

The ADA itself does not have technical standards for web accessibility, and it is recommended that you refer to the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) to evaluate your website and all your digital content. Although WCAG guidelines may not be in Arizona law, past legal rulings and disability claims against businesses have set WCAG 2.0 Level AA as the benchmark for full web accessibility for people with disabilities.

The standards outlined by the WCAG are the benchmark for web and digital accessibility. Recently, the most up-to-date guidelines were published and include 61 criteria for web access that will ensure compliance. These features make your website more accessible, including a screen reader, assistive technology compatibility, clear contrast, the ability to enlarge print, and much more.

If you are a business looking to comply with the WCAG standards, there are four essential accessibility items to always be mindful of they are;

  • Perceivability – All your website content must be detectable to disabled users. This includes users with hearing, visual, or additional sensory impairments.
  • Operability – Your website should be comfortable to navigate for people with disabilities, and its interface should be user-friendly.
  • Understandability – Disabled users must understand web content and navigate the various pages easily.
  • It Should Be Robust – Content for all, including people with disabilities, must be available if your website changes.

Admittedly, this can be challenging to understand, and professional legal and technical help should always be used if you are attempting to ensure ADA compliance and stay out of expensive lawsuits.

How Do I Know My Business Must Comply With the ADA or WCAG Guidelines?

Admittedly, this area is still a bit vague, but based on how the Arizona courts have interpreted the ADA and WCAG standards, ADA web compliance must be followed for businesses with digital media in two significant categories these are;

  • All websites for state or local governments or funded by them – The ADA requires organizations and businesses in these categories to ensure their web content is accessible to those with disabilities.
  • Websites for businesses – Any businesses open to the public must provide complete and equal access to all their web content and digital media to all users, including users with disabilities.

This is a tricky legal area, but over the past 15-20 years, numerous lawsuits and substantial settlements have been filed due to website accessibility barriers for people with disabilities. From 2021 to 2022, there was over a 12% increase in website accessibility lawsuits.

Also, remember that this increase does not include demand letters sent by disabled persons related to web accessibility; that number was over 1,500 per week. These letters typically listed web accessibility problems that disabled Americans found on business sites, and if the proper legal circumstances exist, they may all seek monetary compensation.

What is Arizona’s Current Stance on Website Accessibility?

Arizona’s Website Accessibility Policy and current legislation are trying to establish a statewide policy that provides full accessibility to disabled persons by developing and implementing these features in its Arizona State government websites. Laws and guidelines are being instituted to minimize the technical barriers to accessibility for individuals with disabilities.

For example, all websites covered by Arizona’s accessibility standards must;

  • Use highly contrasting colors.
  • They must-have text for all images.
  • Thorough and properly tagged lists and tables.
  • Have transcripts or captions for all audio and video content.
  • And the websites must provide text-only and downloadable PDF versions of other web content, etc.

This is a lot to keep up with, but every day, more and more lawsuits and valid complaints are being filed by disabled Arizona citizens who cannot use outdated or non-compliant websites. If your business has been exposed to these possibly significant lawsuits, the help of a qualified Arizona disability lawyer is mandatory

I’m An Arizona Business Owner and Must Comply With Arizona’s Website Compliance Guidelines; What Should I Do?

First, understand that the ever-evolving world of digital media is moving forward rapidly, and trying to keep up with constant new legislation requires professional legal and professional help, especially with the current increase in noncompliance lawsuits.

You probably have technical support, but you also need the professional advice of a skilled and experienced Social Security Disability lawyer to stay ahead of issues and expensive lawsuits.

The Social Security Disability Lawyers at Roeschke Law know the ins and outs of disability law and can help you avoid possible fines by the state or, worse, the impact of significant lawsuits. Call them today at (800) 975-1866, as they have the resources and lengthy experience to keep your business’s online platform legal and compliant.

How Long Do Arizonans Typically Wait for Social Security Disability Approvals?

Is There Any Waiting Period Before I Can Apply for Social Security Disability in Arizona?

Applying for Social Security Disability benefits is always a challenging and lengthy process. This is why most people attempting to navigate the process alone get incorrect applications returned, must start over, or even are denied.

There is commonly a “waiting period” before you can apply for SSD benefits that lasts for five whole months after the onset of your disability.

However, if your approval for disability benefits lasts more than five months, you may receive a “retroactive payment” for the extra months. For example, if you are approved ten months after your disability began, you could get a retroactive payment for five months all at once. There is also no waiting period if you apply for childhood disability benefits (CDB).

All disability cases have unique circumstances, but as a general rule, if you apply for SSD in Arizona, it usually takes one to five months for your initial application to be reviewed and decided upon.

This is only a general rule, and the process may take longer in many cases. This would depend on your case’s complexity and the Social Security Administration (SSA) workload in your area.

Once the SSA has decided on your case, you will get a disability determination notice. This letter states whether they’ve approved or denied your application. However, these letters can have caveats and be confusing. Even if you’re approved, you should consult with a skilled, experienced Social Security Disability lawyer to ensure you understand it thoroughly. This is especially true if you are initially denied, as you should appeal, as there are deadlines, etc., that must be dealt with professionally.

The only valid way to speed up this usually daunting and lengthy process is to obtain the help of a qualified, thorough, and diligent SSD law team. Mistakes on applications, missing paperwork, etc., will all make this process longer and may even get you denied. Your SSD lawyer will always ensure that your paperwork is handled professionally, no mistakes are made, and you apply for all the benefits you’re entitled to.

What Does The SSA Do When Making a Decision on My Application

When the SSA gets your full application, along with all the documentation and contact information needed, they send it to the state agency that makes disability decisions.

The SSA has medical and vocational experts who will contact all your doctors, physical therapists, etc., and get a complete and detailed report on your condition, your prognosis, and more.

Usually, you will be sent another set of forms to complete or even be asked to have an examination or other medical testing at one of their designated doctors.

It’s vital to note that if the SSA does request additional examinations or testing, you must always follow through and go to any appointment they set up. Commonly, you will not pay out of pocket for any of these further examinations or tests, but taking them is critical to the approval process.

This is another part of the process where the help and guidance of your Social Security Disability lawyer will prove invaluable to your success. The application process can get highly complex, and dealing with the SSA is a skill that your law team has developed over time, and this skill can significantly aid in your SSD approval.

What If, After Five or Ten Months, the SSA Denies My Application?

Going into this application process, be aware that the SSA will often turn down your first application for disability benefits. However, you have options, and you can request a different examiner or medical group to reconsider your claim, among other things.

Also, if initially denied, you and your lawyer can file for a hearing with an SSA administrative judge. The SSA has a singular system formed and operated solely for this purpose.

You must go to a hearing, which is often required, before getting your SSD approval. These hearings commonly result in about twenty-five percent of SSD applicants getting the benefits they deserve.

These hearings usually last about an hour but could last considerably longer, depending on the complexity and circumstances of your case.

Also, Social Security Disability hearings can take place in different places and ways, such as:

  • Both you and your SSDI Lawyer can go to a Social Security Administration (SSA) office in your area.
  • Many hearings are currently held online in your lawyer’s office.
  • Some can be done with a simple phone call.
  • Additionally, teleconferences can be held at an SSA facility if you don’t have the needed tech equipment.

This is just another reason that the help of a skilled, experienced, and knowledgeable SSDI lawyer is mandatory. These hearings are not trials and are much less formal; it is always in your best interests to have your SSDI lawyer by your side.

Are There Ways I Can Speed Up the SSD Application Process?

Yes, there are ways to attempt to speed up this application process, and your experienced SSD lawyer will be able to help you the most in this regard.

For example, the Social Security Administration (SSA) can expedite processing for certain applicants with specific medical conditions, facing challenging circumstances, or serving in the U.S. military. If you aren’t in one of these groups, there still are steps you can take to try to speed up the process.

Your lawyer will explain that if your medical condition qualifies, you may be entitled to expedited processing under two Social Security programs, “Compassionate Allowances” and “Quick Disability Determinations” (QDD). A little over 175,000 claims yearly are fast-tracked, especially if your lawyer files their applications electronically and online.

You don’t have to ask for a Compassionate Allowance or QDD, as the Social Security Administration uses digital means to flag potentially eligible applications. However, your lawyer will usually know if you have a qualifying condition, and all disability experts know that it won’t hurt to note that on your application form.

I Need To File For Social Security Disability and Need My Benefits Fast; How Should I Proceed?

The best advice if you want to expedite the application process for receiving Social Security Disability benefits is not to attempt to navigate this government maze alone. An experienced, knowledgeable, and thorough SSD lawyer will take the time needed to analyze your singular case and its specifics thoroughly, help you process it efficiently and correctly, and cut through as much of the red government tape as possible.

Your lawyer may also know more about what benefits you may be missing and will work tirelessly to help you get all you deserve.

The Social Security Disability lawyers at Roeschke Law LLC are dedicated to giving you informed, empathetic, caring, and efficient means to apply for and receive the SSD you are entitled to.

Call them today at (800) 975-1866 for a complete case evaluation on how to proceed most effectively to obtain the total Social Security Disability benefits you and your family need.

What are the Top Mistakes Made When Applying for Social Security Disability in Arizona?

What Can I Do To Improve My Chances of Getting the Social Security Benefits I Deserve?

You have worked diligently and hard all your life, but now you find yourself in a dire situation where you must apply for Social Security disability benefits. This is a challenging and sometimes emotional decision, but you earned these rights, and they’re meant to be there when you need the

Every year, millions of Americans and their families face this issue, and if you currently have a disability from an accident or illness, you need these benefits now. However, when starting the application process, it can be overwhelming. Even if you make a mistake on any of the numerous documents needed, you could have to start over or just be denied benefits.

Therefore, it’s always prudent and wise to consult with a disability law firm and obtain their professional assistance throughout the process. Your SSD lawyer is experienced and well-versed in knowing how to analyze your case, what to include in the application, and what is required to get the benefits you are entitled to.

Each case is unique, but the items below will improve your chances of getting the needed benefits.

  • File your claim as soon as possible – Never hesitate to start your application, as you need benefits now, which could be a lengthy process.
  • If you must appeal, do it within 60 days – If you are initially rejected, your lawyer will expedite your appeal while your case is still active.
  • Provide full and inclusive disclosure of your medical history and treatment – Thorough and detailed medical information is vital to approve your claim; your SSD lawyer is an expert at gathering what’s necessary.
  • Provide recent proof of your current treatment – This is vital information that helps prove that you are still suffering from your injury or ailment and being actively treated.
  • Report all your symptoms accurately, don’t exaggerateBe accurate in all your information, but do not embellish or lessen it.

Your case is unique, and more may be needed, but these documents, forms, and information must be complete, in-depth, and comprehensive. Ensuring all these forms are filled out correctly is mandatory for your SSD approval, and consulting with your Social Security Disability lawyer will significantly increase your chances of getting the benefits you need.

What Are Some of the Most Common Mistakes When Applying For Social Security Disability Benefits?

Filing for Social Security Disability benefits is always challenging and usually highly frustrating if you try to do it alone. There’s also the chance that you are missing benefits that your lawyer would know about and, therefore, you don’t get what you deserve.

For example, if denied, many people fail to appeal or don’t follow through on the ongoing medical care they need. Although the SSA does outline how to apply for disability benefits, the wise move is never to attempt to apply for these benefits on your own.

The most common mistakes that people make when applying are;

  • Always thoroughly do your researchDo your research and find out all the available benefit options, check to see if you qualify, and get organized.
  • Check the status of your claim regularly – Even minor issues may delay your case, but if you’re aware of them and they are corrected, this will move your case along much more rapidly.
  • Missing appointments or deadlines – Deadlines on all applications are critical. For example, if you are denied, you have 60 days from receiving your denial notice to request an appeal or start over.
  • Never exaggerate your illness or disability – Always be as truthful as possible about your disability and the dire impact it has had on your life. Honesty is critical in your application process.
  • ·Continue to receive your medical treatment – Solid and current evidence must prove that your medical condition doesn’t allow you to work at your current job.

The most common and harmful error you can make is believing you can handle your application and case alone. This is the most common reason your claim may be denied. Therefore, if you want your application done precisely, correctly, and rapidly, you should always enlist the help of a qualified, professional San Diego Social Security Disability lawyer to assist in this process from beginning to end.

If My Application Is Incomplete, Will I Automatically Be Denied Benefits?

Unfortunately, yes, that may be the case. Filling out your application is your first (and possibly last) chance to tell your story to the SSA. So, it would be best if you were specific and detailed in the application and process.

The SSA will only use the information you initially provide to evaluate your claim. You could be denied if you miss or don’t provide enough detail.

The SSA will use the names, dates, and contact information you provide to search your medical records. They will usually order records up to 1 year before you tell them that your disability began. If you omit past medical providers’ contact information, they will not be able to get records in that period; this will almost always hurt your case and impact their final decisions.

Remember, you are entitled to these benefits, but you will only get what you deserve if the SSA has a complete list of your conditions. Applying correctly, with all the proper information, is critical to receiving your benefits, and your skilled, thorough, and experienced SSD lawyer is well-versed in this challenging matter.

What Does the SSA Use To Make Decisions on My Eligibility For SSD Benefits?

Deciding on your benefits is a highly detailed process, as the SSA must determine if you are genuinely disabled and receive benefits.

They usually start with your job and if you still can perform it. They must also know if you learned other skills while doing your recent job. The SSA will not deem you disabled (or provide benefits) unless your illnesses, injuries, or conditions prevent you from doing your job.

All information regarding your education and training is vital to this process. They may feel you can’t do your current job, but you might be suitable for other work due to your age, education, training, and work experience.

Always remember that each SSD case differs, but your skilled disability lawyer is highly familiar with how the SSA makes decisions and will provide all the documents and proof possible to validate and successfully prove your case and receive the benefits you deserve.

I Should Apply For Social Security Disability Benefits; How Should I Proceed?

At any moment, illness or injury can cut you off from earning a living for yourself and your family. This is when Social Security Disability benefits become vitally important to your future. However, this application process is daunting, overwhelming, and complex and involves stacks of documents, medical records, and much more.

Consulting with an experienced, knowledgeable, empathetic, and thorough San Diego Social Security Disability lawyer will help to ensure you file correctly and comprehensively the first time.

The disability lawyers at Roeschke Law, LLC understand how complex this process is, especially while coping with a dire medical condition. But they stand ready to provide you with professional representation in a caring, professional, communicative, and detailed manner.

Call them today at (800) 975-1866, and they will help to ensure you obtain the disability benefits you need and rightfully deserve.

What Medical Conditions Qualify Someone for SSD Benefits?

Nobody wants to be dependent on the government to make ends meet. But when medical conditions prevent you from working, few other options exist. 

Social Security Disability (SSD) exists to provide for those unlucky few who are incapable of making a living due to a medical condition. But because it is a government program, there is a lot of red tape involved with getting SSD benefits.

The first requirement is having a condition that qualifies. Not all medical conditions that limit your ability to work will qualify you for SSD. And some conditions may qualify you only if you put in the extra effort. When navigating SSD, it is best to get advice from a disability attorney.

Social Security Maintains a List of Qualifying Conditions

The Social Security Administration (SSA) maintains a list of conditions that qualify for SSD. This list includes:

  • Immune system disorders
  • Mental disorders such as depression or autism
  • Musculoskeletal problems
  • Impaired vision, speech, or hearing
  • Respiratory dysfunction
  • Neurological disorders like epilepsy
  • Blood disorders
  • Cardiovascular conditions

If you have one of the conditions on this list and it impairs your ability to work, you qualify for SSD. This list is specific to adults. Children can also qualify and have a nearly identical list that also includes growth impairment.

Proving Your Condition Qualifies

Just because you know you have a medical condition that qualifies, that doesn’t mean the SSA is aware. To receive SSD benefits, you need to prove that your condition qualifies.

To prove your condition qualifies, you will need a physical examination from a doctor. An examination from your personal physician is usually sufficient to prove that your condition exists but may not be sufficient to prove it impairs your ability to work. For the latter, you will likely need to be examined by an independent physician.

No matter who is examining you, the more evidence you can provide to the SSA, the better. The best evidence comes from the results of tests like:

  • MRIs
  • CAT scans
  • X-rays
  • Blood work panels

Unlike the opinion of a doctor or therapist, this type of evidence is more difficult to refute.

Medical Conditions Not on the List

If you have a medical condition that isn’t on the approved list, you may still qualify for SSD benefits. However, to do so, you have more work to do.

The main hurdle is that you need to prove that your medical condition significantly limits your ability to work. A doctor will test your capacity to function for extended periods to determine this. 

These tests are both for active work and sedentary work. Thus, if you can effectively sit at a desk for eight hours a day, it doesn’t matter that you can’t perform physical labor for that period.

If the tests reveal that you have minimal or no ability to work for extended periods, then it doesn’t matter if your medical condition is not on the official list. That is all of the proof you need that your medical condition qualifies you to receive SSD benefits.

Appealing a Decision by Social Security

Even if you should qualify, you might be turned down for benefits by the SSA. If this happens, you can appeal the decision. Before you appeal any decision, you should hire an experienced Social Security attorney.

Social Security attorneys are familiar with what evidence is most likely to get you benefits and know how to navigate the system. Your chance of succeeding on an appeal is much higher if you have a Phoenix, AZ, disability attorney from Roeschke Law, LLC, representing you. Get in touch with our office today.

Social Security Scams and How to Avoid Them

Scam artists can strike anyone, young or old. New scams are being reported all of the time and are becoming more sophisticated. Social Security scams are well-documented. With millions of people each year receiving benefits, it’s not surprising that these people become victims.

The most common tactic is for a scammer to impersonate someone who works for the Social Security Administration (SSA). The goal of any contact made by a scammer is to obtain and then exploit legitimate Social Security numbers and personal information. 

Common Ways Scammers Make Contact

There are several ways in which scammers will try to trick you into giving them your information. Most often, they will reach out to you as if they are a government employee. They may even have some of your information that makes them seem to be more legitimate. 

Common ways a scammer will contact you include:

  • Phone calls that warn of improper Social Security activity and threaten jail time or fines
  • Friendly phone calls trying to sell SSA services
  • Phishing emails that appear to be from the SSA
  • Fake letters that purport to be from the SSA

At times, it can be difficult to determine what is fake and what is real when it comes to scammers and their artistry. They set out to be deceptive and are quite adept at seeming legitimate.

Ways to Recognize a Scam

There are certain times the Social Security Administration may reach out to you by phone, but telltale signs can let you know when a caller is not with the SSA. When Social Security makes contact, they will never:

  • Make any kind of threat to you
  • Ask for your Social Security number
  • Suspend your Social Security account or number
  • Require that you make an immediate payment
  • Ask for payment by cash, wire transfer, prepaid debit card, or gift card

Social Security may also contact you by email or text messages to make you aware of certain services. SSA will never ask you to return a phone call to an unknown number. 

What to Do if You Suspect You Are on a Fake Call

Social Security scam artists can sound convincing. They can give themselves fake but official-sounding titles, some of which are authentic. Some things to keep in mind if you receive a fake phone call include:

  • Be skeptical if someone calls claiming to be from the SSA
  • If you feel uneasy, simply hang up the phone
  • Call Social Security customer service at 800-772-1213 to ask if someone was trying to reach you
  • Do not click on any email links in a purported SSA email

You may not always know when you’re giving information to a scammer. Following the above tips can help you avoid the unintended consequences of sharing your information with someone whose intention is to exploit your identity.

What to Do if You’ve Been Scammed

If you think you have been the victim of a Social Security scam, you should report it immediately. Call the customer service line listed above and they can connect you with the SSA Office of Inspector General Fraud. You can also report the scam at

Other steps to take include:

  • Set up credit monitoring — banks sometimes provide this service for free
  • Place a credit freeze on your account with the all credit reporting agencies
  • Place a fraud alert on your credit report — this requires businesses to contact you if someone tries to open an account
  • Contact a Social Security attorney

Roeschke Law in Phoenix, AZ, handles Social Security disability claims. If you receive SSA benefits and have been the victim of fraud, call today.

How Chronic Pain Is Evaluated in Social Security Disability Claims

Chronic pain can make everything about your life more difficult, from working to taking care of your family and even preparing a meal. Many people with chronic pain may seek disability benefits from the Social Security Administration (SSA), only to be denied. 

If this has happened to you, an experienced legal team may be able to help you get the benefits you’re entitled to. Read on to learn about the process of collecting SSA disability benefits.

Qualifying for SSA Disability Benefits

The SSA has a list of medical conditions and injuries that automatically qualify an individual for benefits, but unfortunately, a state of chronic pain is not one of them. Instead, even if the pain is debilitating enough to impact your ability to work, you must prove that the pain stems from an underlying medical condition that the SSA covers.

Medical conditions that cause chronic pain listed in the SSA Blue Book of qualifying disabilities include:

  • Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBS)
  • Back and spinal injuries
  • Inflammatory arthritis
  • Neurological disorders
  • Somatoform disorders
  • Chronic renal disease or kidney failure

To support your claim with the SSA, you’ll need to have your medical condition verified, including medical records, X-rays, tests, documented results of a physical exam, and a diagnosis from one or more doctors. If you have a second opinion that diagnoses you with the condition, that will bolster your SSA disability claim.

Can I still get benefits even if I don’t meet the SSA criteria?

Even if you don’t meet all of the criteria in the SSA Blue Book, you may still qualify for partial benefits if you can prove that your condition prevents you from working. The SSA will then assess your highest functioning capacity to determine whether you’re capable of performing any work at all.

The Residual Functional Capacity (RFC) assessment determines the persistence, intensity, and other effects of your pain, including:

  • The location, intensity, and frequency
  • Any factors that make the pain worse
  • Whether your pain management regimen or medications can alleviate pain

The assessment covers work-related tasks, including standing, sitting, walking, and remembering information, as well as the impact of your pain on your ability to complete these tasks. If the assessment indicates that you’re unable to complete essential, basic job functions, then you may qualify for benefits.

Establishing Your SSA Disability Case

Your credibility goes a long way toward the outcome of your case. You’ll be asked about your abilities to complete daily activities, from bathing and grooming to caring for your children, cleaning your home, or preparing meals and shopping for groceries. You’ll also be asked for a list of things that you can accomplish on your own, even if you need modifications, such as a wheelchair or frequent breaks.

Whether you sought medical treatment or not is also important in establishing your eligibility for benefits. The SSA may not believe that you’re suffering from severe pain if you haven’t been to the doctor for help.

A Social Security Disability Lawyer Can Help

Obtaining benefits if you’re living with chronic pain can be difficult. You’ll need plenty of evidence to build your claim if the SSA initially denies it. We can help. 

Roeschke Law, LLC of Phoenix, AZ, is a team of Social Security disability attorneys fighting to protect your rights and get you the benefits you deserve.

We work with you through every step of the process and help you find medical professionals in your area who understand the underlying medical conditions that cause chronic pain. 

Call Roeschke Law today or visit us online to learn more and schedule a free legal consultation.

When Should You Reopen an SSDI Claim?

If you’ve applied for Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) benefits and had your claim denied, you have only a small window of time to appeal the decision and review your claim. If you miss the deadline or decide that you don’t want your claim reviewed, the Social Security Administration (SSA) closes your case.

However, you may still have a chance to receive your disability benefits, even if your initial claim was denied. An experienced Arizona Social Security and disability lawyer can help you explore your options and ensure that your rights are protected.

What are the reasons to reopen a disability claim?

People who receive disability benefits typically receive back pay to the date of the initial application, so it’s often in your best interests to reopen an existing claim rather than file a new one. Many people who successfully appeal their claim will receive a higher amount of back pay.

When can I reopen my Arizona SSDI claim?

In order to reopen a claim, the SSA requires that any changes be related to the new, current claim. For example, if the condition that prompted you to file the initial claim worsens, then you may reopen the claim. 

However, if you have an entirely new medical condition or disability, then you will need to file a new claim. If the two disabilities aren’t related, the SSA won’t reopen the prior claim.

Your ability to reopen the claim also depends on when you filed the first claim. The onset of the second disability must have occurred within the timeframe covered by the first claim.

Reopening the Claim Within 12 Months of the Decision

If you’re reopening a claim within 12 months, you may reopen it for any reason, including if your initial claim was denied by an administrative law judge or the Disability Determination Services.

It’s more difficult to reopen an SSDI claim after 12 months have passed, and you may benefit from legal representation.

Reopening a Claim Between 12 Months and Four Years Later

These claims can only be reopened if the SSA determines there is reasonable cause. The two chief reasons that a claim in this timeframe will be reopened are if there is new, material evidence not available when the initial claim was filed, or if there was a clerical error that resulted in an incorrect determination.

Reopening a Claim More than Four Years Old

It’s very rare that a claim denied more than four years in the past will be reopened. This would only happen, for example, if a witness made false statements, if the claimant was declared dead and was later found alive (very unusual), or if there was an error on the face of the decision.

How can I reopen my SSDI claim?

You will need to file a new application for disability benefits and request in writing that your old claim be reopened. Your application needs to state that the onset date of the disability fell within the timeframe of the initial claim, which, for SSDI applications, is 17 months.

Your Social Security lawyer may request a hearing before an administrative law judge to appeal reopening your claim. They may have a medical expert testify or bring forth new evidence that supports your claim.

Do you need an SSDI attorney?

The Social Security appeals process and the statutes surrounding it can be confusing. The legal team at Roeschke Law, LLC, in Phoenix, AZ, can help. We’ll explain your options and whether you have a chance for a successful appeal or not. 

We charge attorney’s fees only if your claim is approved, and we offer a free, no-obligation consultation about your case. Get in touch with our office today.

4 Things You Should Never Say to Disability Doctors

When you apply for Social Security disability benefits, Social Security will require you to schedule a consultative exam. The doctor who provides this exam is supposed to give an unbiased opinion about whether you qualify. 

However, many of these doctors want to continue to receive referrals from Social Security, possibly making them biased against you. Be wary about what you say because you can’t necessarily trust these disability doctors to be unbiased.

1. Never Be Deceptive About Your Condition

Many people will downplay their symptoms when describing their condition. They may do this to keep up appearances or because they’ve learned to downplay their health to fit in socially. 

Whatever reason you might have to minimize your symptoms, this is the absolute worst thing you can do. You need to explain everything you feel and be clear about how it limits your activity.

Conversely, don’t be tempted to exaggerate your condition. Disability doctors are well trained at ferreting out false symptoms or exaggerated conditions. And once they detect a lie, they will be suspicious of anything else you say. Your disability doctor must also inform Social Security if they catch you in any lies.

2. Do Not Reveal that You Have Ignored Doctor’s Orders

Not all treatments work. And sometimes, a prescribed treatment will aggravate a condition rather than mitigate it. When that happens, you are perfectly within your rights to ignore your doctor’s orders — especially if you aren’t able to get new instructions quickly.

However, this is something you never want to tell a disability doctor. Suppose your disability doctor becomes aware that you are ignoring your doctor’s orders. That information will be relayed to Social Security and will be used against you in any disability determination.

3. Avoid Discussing Non-Medical Information with a Disability Doctor

At some point, the Social Security agency will probably delve into your finances, history, and current living arrangements. But this is not information a disability doctor needs to know. 

Your disability doctor should not be asking you questions about personal topics not directly related to your disability. And if they are, politely refuse to answer and redirect them back to the exam.

Similarly, try not to reveal limiting aspects of your living arrangement due to your disability. 

For example, you shouldn’t tell the disability doctor that your condition prevents you from climbing the stairs in your home or that you’re exhausted by climbing the stairs in your home. 

The doctor may note that you could resolve your condition by moving to a new location. Instead, just say that your condition makes it difficult or impossible to climb stairs.

4. Do Not Threaten to Contact a Lawyer

Some disability doctors are not subtle about being biased against you. They may ask very aggressive questions or be obvious about the fact that they doubt the truth of your statements. 

If this happens, you might be tempted to threaten to get a lawyer. Don’t do this. This will only make the disability doctor more antagonistic and might create animosity where none exists.

Instead, if you suspect unfair treatment by a disability doctor, the best option is to simply take careful note of everything they do and say. Remain calm, cordial, and honest, but pay close attention. 

Once the exam is over, immediately contact an Arizona Social Security disability attorney, like the team at Roeschke Law, LLC in Tempe, AZ. A social security disability lawyer can use the information you carefully recorded to impeach the opinion of the disability doctor and appeal a negative decision by Social Security.

What Happens If an Original Work Injury Leads to a Second Injury?

Many issues surrounding your Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) benefits arise when one injury leads to another. If this happens, you may have concerns about whether you can still get benefits. If you already receive benefits, you might wonder whether you need to reapply with a new injury.

You might also receive compensation for your second injury. You may not know whether to report this compensation to the Social Security Administration (SSA) or how it may affect your SSDI benefits.

With these factors in mind, here is some information about what can happen if you suffer a second injury after an original work injury.

Eligibility for Social Security Benefits

To receive SSDI benefits, you must meet certain qualifications. You must:

  • Work long enough and recently enough to have paid into the Social Security system
  • Have an illness or injury expected to last at least a year or lead to your death
  • Suffer a resulting impairment that prevents you from continuing to work or training for new work

SSA does not restrict benefits to those who suffered a work injury. Any long-term disability that prevents you from working or training will qualify. 

For example, cancer can lead you to become eligible for SSDI benefits, regardless of the cause of your illness.

How to Handle a Second Injury After an Original Injury

Frequently, one injury will cause another. For example, weakness in your legs from spinal stenosis could cause you to fall and suffer a traumatic brain injury. Your chemotherapy treatment could cause peripheral neuropathy.

How you handle the second injury depends on whether you already receive SSDI benefits or become eligible for SSDI benefits based on the second injury.

If You Already Receive SSDI Benefits

If you already get SSDI when you sustain the second injury, your benefits will not change. Your first injury already qualified as a disabling condition and sustaining a second injury will not change that fact.

SSA requires you to report all changes in your medical condition. You should report the second injury to:

  • Satisfy your reporting requirement
  • Create a record of the second injury in case it worsens
  • Preserve the possibility of extending your SSDI benefits

The last point is important. Suppose that your second injury provides an independent ground for meeting the SSDI eligibility requirements. If your original injury improves, you can continue to receive SSDI benefits until the second injury also improves.

You could go even further than simply reporting your second injury. SSA allows you to reapply for SSDI benefits while you are currently receiving SSDI.

If your second injury qualifies as disabling, you should consider reapplying. SSA can reapprove your SSDI benefits for both your original condition and your new condition. That way, if the first condition improves, you continue to qualify for SSDI with the later condition.

If You Do Not Yet Receive SSDI Benefits

If you were not receiving SSDI benefits when you sustained your second injury, you might qualify as a result of your second injury. When an applicant suffers from multiple disabilities, SSA evaluates them based on the cumulative effect of all of the impairments they face.

This means that you could receive SSDI benefits with two injuries if:

  • The original injury qualifies and the second does not
  • The second injury qualifies and the original does not
  • Both injuries qualify independently
  • The cumulative effect of the two injuries leads to eligibility

The only way you would not receive benefits is if the original injury, second injury, and cumulative effect all fail to qualify. You should speak to a lawyer about applying for SSDI benefits after sustaining a second injury for this very reason.

How SSA Will View Compensation for Your Injuries

SSA can reduce your SSDI benefits when you sustain a second injury and receive compensation for it.

Suppose that you sustained the second injury at work and received workers’ compensation for it. SSA cannot pay benefits if the total compensation you receive exceeds 80% of your average earnings. 

If your workers’ comp plus your SSDI exceeds this limit, SSA will cut your SSDI payments.

However, some compensation does not count toward your limit. If you received a personal injury settlement for your second injury, your SSDI benefits will continue unchanged.

Getting Help from a Disability Attorney

A second injury can raise some complicated issues surrounding your SSDI benefits. To discuss how your second injury might affect your eligibility or the amount you receive, contact an experienced disability attorney at Roeschke Law, LLC to schedule a consultation.

New Conditions Included in the SSA Compassionate Allowance Program

Applications for Social Security disability benefits can take years to wind their way through the system. All the while, applicants suffer from debilitating medical conditions. In addition to what can be chronic pain and discomfort, this benefit applicants also often struggle with loss of income due to the inability to retain gainful work. The stress of such resulting financial strain can be severe. Under certain circumstances, some claimants can put their application on a fast track to approval through the Social Security Administration’s (SSA) Compassionate Allowance program, which has been recently expanded to include even more medical conditions.

New Conditions Included in the SSA Compassionate Allowance Program

Former SSA Commissioner Michael Astrue instituted the Compassionate Allowance program back in 2007. The program was established to help clear through the backlog of cases in the Social Security disability system which was reaching upwards into the thousands. Those in this backlog had often been waiting up to two years to receive a determination or hearing on their applications.

The Compassionate Allowance program is essentially an expedited application process for benefit applicants who have special circumstances. Those suffering from certain conditions can receive benefits assistance in a much more timely manner considering the normal route can be quite lengthy. While a significant portion of the conditions listed as qualifying for the Compassionate Allowance program are rare diseases, some are more common. The list of qualifying conditions has been developed by members of the medical community as well as members of the scientific community. In fact, members of the public are able to suggest conditions that should be added to the list.

Conditions included in the Compassionate Allowance list are considered to not only be serious but difficult to live with. Many of the listed conditions are considered to be terminal illnesses. Part of the justification for including a condition on the Compassionate Allowance list is that these are medical conditions that are very likely to lead to a claimant’s application being approved for benefits.

While the Compassionate Allowance provides a faster, more streamlined application process, there is a process to comply with, nonetheless. You must present evidence of certain facts, particularly relating to your diagnosis of a condition on the Compassionate Allowance list. You will still need to fill out all required paperwork properly and completely as well.

Previously, the list of conditions qualifying for the Compassionate Allowance program sat at 254 conditions. The Acting Commissioner of the SSA, Kilol Kijakazi, however, announced back in August of 20221 that 12 new conditions would be added to the list. The 12 newly listed conditions are:

  • Charlevoix Saguenay Spastic Ataxia (ARSACS)
  • Choroid Plexus Carcinoma
  • CIC-rearranged Sarcoma
  • Congenital Zika Syndrome
  • Desmoplastic Mesothelioma
  • Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy – Adult
  • Pericardial Mesothelioma
  • Refractory Hodgkin Lymphoma
  • Renpenning Syndrome
  • SCN8A Related Epilepsy with Encephalopathy
  • SYNGAP1-related NSIA
  • Taybi-Linder Syndrome

Arizona Social Security Disability Attorney

Do you think you may qualify for the Compassionate Allowance program? Talk to the knowledgeable team at Roeschke Law about your options. Contact us today.